JReleaser Maven Plugin

Executes a JReleaser workflow as a Maven plugin.


Maven plugins are inherited by default. Make sure to set <inherited>false</inherited> when configuring this plugin in a multi-module setup.


JReleaser may be configured using the Maven DSL shown at Reference. Alternatively, an external configuration file may be used if the <configFile> field or jreleaser.config.file property is set.


The following values will be taken directly from the pom.xml file and added to JReleaser’s configuration when the matching JReleaser element has not been explicitly configured:

POM JReleaser

















The value of project.java.multiProject will be set to true if the current Maven session has more than 1 project.

The value of project.authors will be resolved by matching all <developer> entries that have an author role. If no developer entries are found then all developers will be added as authors. The value of <developer><name> will be queried first, if not found then <developer><id> will be used as fallback.

The value of project.license will be resolved from <licenses> with the first <license> that defines <name>.

The value of project.java.version will be determined following these expressions in order:

  • ${maven.compiler.release}

  • ${maven.compiler.target}

  • ${maven.compiler.source}

  • System.getProperty("java.version")

Environment Variables

The following settings may also be specified via environment variables

Setting Environment Variable Default























JRELEASER_SELECT_PLATFORMs and JRELEASER_REJECT_PLATFORMs may define a command separated list of values such as osx-x86_64,linux-x86_64.

These additional environment variables are supported as well:

Environment Variable Description


disable colors in output


disable colors in output

Filtering Artifacts

Many commands let you filter (include or exclude) artifacts using a combination of properties or environment variables. This filter capability allows you to test out a release configuration on a node where not all artifacts may be available. For example, when building on linux-x86_64 while also having osx-x86_64 and windows-x86_64.

Include only for the current platform

Use the JRELEASER_SELECT_CURRENT_PLATFORM environment variable or the jreleaser.select.current.platform property.

$ mvn jreleaser-checksum -Djreleaser.select.current.platform=true
Include a specific platform

Use the JRELEASER_SELECT_PLATFORMS environment variable or the jreleaser.select.platforms property, i.e,

$ JRELEASER_SELECT_PLATFORMS=osx-x86_64 mvn jreleaser-checksum
$ mvn jreleaser-checksum --Djreleaser.select.platforms=osx-x86_64

Every artifact whose platform property does not match the given platform will end up filtered out.

Exclude a specific platform

Use the JRELEASER_REJECT_PLATFORMS environment variable or the jreleaser.reject.platforms property, i.e,

$ JRELEASER_REJECT_PLATFORMS=windows-x86_64 mvn jreleaser-checksum
$ mvn jreleaser-checksum -Djreleaser.reject.platforms=windows-x86_64

Every artifact whose platform property matches the given platform will end up filtered out.


None of the exposed MOJOs are bound to a specific life-cycle phase, letting you decide when and how that should happen in your build.

The following MOJOs are provided:


Display environment variable names.

Available parameters:

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.env.skip


Create a jreleaser config file.

Available parameters:

  • format
    Configuration file format
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.init.format

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.basedir})
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • overwrite
    Overwrite existing files.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.init.overwrite

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.init.skip


Display current configuration.

Available parameters:

  • announce
    Display announce configuration.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.announce

  • assembly
    Display assembly configuration.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.assembly

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • changelog
    Display changelog configuration.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.changelog

  • download
    Display download configuration.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.download

  • full
    Display full configuration.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.full

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Generate a packager/announcer template.

Available parameters:

  • announcerName
    The name of the announcer
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.announcer.name

  • assemblerName
    The name of the assembler
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.assembler.name

  • assemblerType
    The type of the assembler
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.assembler.type

  • distributionName
    The name of the distribution
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.template.distribution.name

  • distributionType (Default: JAVA_BINARY)
    The type of the distribution
    Type: Distributio.DistributionType
    User property: jreleaser.template.distribution.type

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • overwrite
    Overwrite existing files.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.template.overwrite

  • packagerName
    The name of the packager.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.template.packager.name

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.template.skip

  • snapshot
    Use snapshot templates.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.template.snapshot


Evaluate a template or templates.

Available parameters:

  • announce
    Display announce configuration.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.announce

  • assembly
    Display assembly configuration.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.assembly

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • changelog
    Display changelog configuration.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.changelog

  • download
    Display download configuration.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.config.download

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • inputFile
    An input template file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.template.input.file

  • inputDirectory
    A directory with input templates.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.template.input.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.template.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict

  • targetDirectory
    Directory where evaluated template(s) will be placed.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.template.target.directory


Downloads assets.
Executes the Download workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • excludedDownloaderNames
    Exclude an downloader by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.downloader.names

  • excludedDownloaders
    Exclude an downloader by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.downloaders

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedDownloaderNames
    Include an downloader by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.downloader.names

  • includedDownloaders
    Include an downloader by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.downloaders

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.download.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Assemble all distributions.
Executes the Assemble workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • excludedAssemblers
    Exclude an assembler.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.assemblers

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedAssemblers
    Include an assembler.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.assemblers

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.assemble.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Calculate the changelog.
Executes the Changelog workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.changelog.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Catalogs all distributions and files.
Executes the Catalog workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • distributionName
    The name of the distribution.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.distribution.name

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • excludedCatalogers
    Exclude a cataloger.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.catalogers

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedCatalogers
    Include a cataloger.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.catalogers

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.catalog.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Calculate checksums.
Executes the Checksum workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.checksum.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Sign release artifacts.
Executes the Sign workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.sign.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Deploys all staged artifacts.
Executes the Deploy workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • excludedDeployers
    Exclude a deployer by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.deployers

  • excludedDeployerNames
    Exclude a deployer by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.deployer.names

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedDeployers
    Include a deployer by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.deployers

  • includedDeployerNames
    Include a deployer by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.deployer.names

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.deploy.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Uploads all artifacts.
Executes the Upload workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • excludedCatalogers
    Exclude a cataloger.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.catalogers

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • excludedUploaderNames
    Exclude an uploader by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.uploader.names

  • excludedUploaders
    Exclude an uploader by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.uploaders

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedCatalogers
    Include a cataloger.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.catalogers

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • includedUploaderNames
    Include an uploader by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.uploader.names

  • includedUploaders
    Include an uploader by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.uploaders

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.upload.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Create or update a release.
Executes the Release workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • excludedCatalogers
    Exclude a cataloger.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.catalogers

  • excludedDeployers
    Exclude a deployer by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.deployers

  • excludedDeployerNames
    Exclude a deployer by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.deployer.names User property: jreleaser.excluded.deployer.names

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • excludedUploaderNames
    Exclude an uploader by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.uploader.names

  • excludedUploaders
    Exclude an uploader by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.uploaders

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedDeployers
    Include a deployer by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.deployers

  • includedDeployerNames
    Include a deployer by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.deployer.names

  • includedCatalogers
    Include a cataloger.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.catalogers

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • includedUploaderNames
    Include an uploader by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.uploader.names

  • includedUploaders
    Include an uploader by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.uploaders

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.release.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Prepare all distributions.
Executes the Prepare workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • distributionName
    The name of the distribution.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.distribution.name

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • excludedPackagers
    Exclude a packager.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.packagers

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • includedPackagers
    Include a packager.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.packagers

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.prepare.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Package all distributions.
Executes the Package workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • distributionName
    The name of the distribution.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.distribution.name

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • excludedPackagers
    Exclude a packager.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.packagers

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • includedPackagers
    Include a packager.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.packagers

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.package.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Publish all distributions.
Executes the Publish workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • distributionName
    The name of the distribution.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.distribution.name

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • excludedPackagers
    Exclude a packager.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.packagers

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • includedPackagers
    Include a packager.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.packagers

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.publish.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Announce a release.
Executes the Announce workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedAnnouncers
    Include an announcer.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.announcers

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.announce.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Perform a full release.
Executes the Full Release workflow step.

Available parameters:

  • configFile
    External configuration file.
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.config.file

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • excludedAnnouncers
    Exclude an announcer.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.announcers

  • excludedCatalogers
    Exclude a cataloger.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.catalogers

  • excludedDeployers
    Exclude a deployer by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.deployers

  • excludedDeployerNames
    Exclude a deployer by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.deployer.names

  • excludedDistributions
    Exclude a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.distributions

  • excludedPackagers
    Exclude a packager.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.packagers

  • excludedUploaderNames
    Exclude an uploader by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.uploader.names

  • excludedUploaders
    Exclude an uploader by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.excluded.uploaders

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • includedAnnouncers
    Include an announcer.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.announcers

  • includedCatalogers
    Include a cataloger.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.catalogers

  • includedDeployers
    Include a deployer by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.deployers

  • includedDeployerNames
    Include a deployer by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.deployer.names

  • includedDistributions
    Include a distribution.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.distributions

  • includedPackagers
    Include a packager.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.packagers

  • includedUploaderNames
    Include an uploader by name.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.uploader.names

  • includedUploaders
    Include an uploader by type.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.uploaders

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • skip
    Skip execution.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.full.release.skip

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict


Create or update a release with auto-config enabled.

Available parameters:

  • authors
    The project authors.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.authors

  • armored
    Generate ascii armored signatures.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.armored

  • branch
    The release branch.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.release.branch

  • changelog
    Path to changelog file.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.changelog

  • changelogFormatted
    Format generated changelog.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.changelog.formatted

  • commitAuthorEmail
    Commit author e-mail.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.commit.author.email

  • commitAuthorName
    Commit author name.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.commit.author.name

  • draft
    If the release is a draft.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.draft

  • dryrun
    Skips remote operations.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.dry.run

  • files
    Input file(s) to be uploaded.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.files

  • gitRootSearch
    Searches for the Git root.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.git.root.search

  • globs
    Input file(s) to be uploaded (as globs).
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.globs

  • milestoneName
    The milestone name.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.milestone.name

  • outputDirectory (Default: ${project.build.directory}/jreleaser)
    Type: File
    User property: jreleaser.output.directory

  • overwrite
    Overwrite an existing release.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.overwrite

  • prerelease
    If the release is a prerelease.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.prerelease

  • prereleasePattern
    The prerelease pattern.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.prerelease.pattern

  • projectCopyright
    The project copyright.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.project.copyright

  • projectDescription
    The project description.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.project.description

  • projectInceptionYear
    The project inception year.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.project.inception.year

  • projectName (Default: ${project.artifactId})
    The project name.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.project.name

  • projectSnapshotLabel
    The project snapshot label.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.project.snapshot.label

  • projectSnapshotPattern (Default: .*-SNAPSHOT)
    The project snapshot pattern.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.project.snapshot.pattern

  • projectSnapshotFullChangelog
    Calculate full changelog since last non-snapshot release.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.project.snapshot.full.changelog

  • projectStereotype
    The project stereotype.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.project.stereotype

  • projectVersion (Default: ${project.version})
    The project version.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.project.version

  • projectVersionPattern
    The project version pattern.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.project.version.pattern

  • releaseName
    The release name.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.release.name

  • rejectPlatforms
    Activates paths not matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.reject.platforms

  • selectCurrentPlatform
    Activates paths matching the current platform.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.select.current.platform

  • selectPlatforms
    Activates paths matching the given platform.
    Type: String[]
    User property: jreleaser.select.platforms

  • signing
    Sign files.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.signing

  • skipChecksums
    Skip creating checksums.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.skip.checksums

  • skipRelease
    Skip creating a release.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.skip.release

  • skipTag
    Skip tagging the release.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.skip.tag

  • strict
    Enable strict mode.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.strict

  • tagName
    The release tag.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.tag.name

  • update
    Update an existing release.
    Type: boolean
    User property: jreleaser.update

  • updateSections
    Release section(s) to be updated.
    Type: UpdateSection
    User property: jreleaser.update.sections

  • username
    Git username.
    Type: String
    User property: jreleaser.username


Generate JSON schema.