
Uploads artifacts, files, and signatures to a GitLab instance via its Packages option.


Only generic packages are supported at the moment.



  • required

  • optional

  • may use environment variable

  • accepts Name Templates

  • YAML

  • TOML

  • JSON

  • Maven

  • Gradle

    # Uploaders require a name.

      # Enables or disables the uploader.
      # Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
      # Defaults to `NEVER`.
      active: ALWAYS

      # Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
      # Defaults to `20`.
      connectTimeout: 20

      # Defines the read timeout in seconds.
      # Defaults to `60`.
      readTimeout: 60

      # Upload files.
      # Defaults to `true`.
      files: true

      # Upload distribution artifacts.
      # Defaults to `true`.
      artifacts: true

      # Release checksum files.
      # Defaults to `true`.
      checksums: true

      # Upload signatures.
      # Defaults to `true`.
      signatures: true

      # Upload catalogs.
      # Defaults to `true`.
      catalogs: true

      # Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
        # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `gitlab`, i.e, `gitlabFoo`.
        foo: bar

      # The GitLab host url.

      # Token with write access to the repository.

      # The package name to use.
      # If unspecified, will use the uploader's name.
      packageName: app

      # The package version to use.
      # If unspecified, will use the project's version.
      packageVersion: '{{projectVersion}}'

      # The id of the GitLab repository.
      projectIdentifier: 12345678
# Uploaders require a name.

  # Enables or disables the uploader.
  # Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
  # Defaults to `NEVER`.
  active = "ALWAYS"

  # Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
  # Defaults to `20`.
  connectTimeout = 20

  # Defines the read timeout in seconds.
  # Defaults to `60`.
  readTimeout = 60

  # Upload files.
  # Defaults to `true`.
  files = true

  # Upload distribution artifacts.
  # Defaults to `true`.
  artifacts = true

  # Release checksum files.
  # Defaults to `true`.
  checksums = true

  # Upload signatures.
  # Defaults to `true`.
  signatures = true

  # Upload catalogs.
  # Defaults to `true`.
  catalogs = true

  # Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
  # = "bar"
  # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `gitlab`, i.e, `gitlabFoo`.

  # The GitLab host url.
  host = ""

  # Token with write access to the repository.

  # The package name to use.
  # If unspecified, will use the uploader's name.
  packageName = "app"

  # The package version to use.
  # If unspecified, will use the project's version.
  packageVersion = "{{projectVersion}}"

  # The id of the GitLab repository.
  projectIdentifier = "12345678"
  "upload": {
    "gitlab": {
      // Uploaders require a name.
      "app": {

        // Enables or disables the uploader.
        // Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
        // Defaults to `NEVER`.
        "active": "ALWAYS",

        // Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
        // Defaults to `20`.
        "connectTimeout": 20,

        // Defines the read timeout in seconds.
        // Defaults to `60`.
        "readTimeout": 60,

        // Upload files.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        "files": true,

        // Upload distribution artifacts.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        "artifacts": true,

        // Release checksum files.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        "checksums": true,

        // Upload signatures.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        "signatures": true,

        // Upload catalogs.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        "catalogs": true,

        // Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
        "extraProperties": {
          // Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `gitlab`, i.e, `gitlabFoo`.
          "foo": "bar"

        // The GitLab host url.
        "host": "",

        // Token with write access to the repository.
        "token": "__USE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE__",

        // The package name to use.
        // If unspecified, will use the uploader's name.
        "packageName": "app",

        // The package version to use.
        // If unspecified, will use the project's version.
        "packageVersion": "{{projectVersion}}",

        // The id of the GitLab repository.
        "projectIdentifier": "12345678"
        Uploaders require a name.
          Enables or disables the distribution.
          Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
          Defaults to `NEVER`.

          Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
          Defaults to `20`.

          Defines the read timeout in seconds.
          Defaults to `60`.

          Upload files.
          Defaults to `true`.

          Upload distribution artifacts.
          Defaults to `true`.

          Release checksum files.
          Defaults to `true`.

          Upload signatures.
          Defaults to `true`.

          Upload catalogs.
          Defaults to `true`.

          Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
            Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `gitlab`, i.e, `gitlabFoo`.

           The GitLab host url.

           Token with write access to the repository.

           The package name to use.
           If unspecified, will use the uploader's name.

           The package version to use.
           If unspecified, will use the project's version.

           The id of the GitLab repository.
jreleaser {
  upload {
    gitlab {
      // Uploaders require a name.
      app {

        // Enables or disables the uploader.
        // Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
        // Defaults to `NEVER`.
        active = 'ALWAYS'

        // Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
        // Defaults to `20`.
        connectTimeout = 20

        // Defines the read timeout in seconds.
        // Defaults to `60`.
        readTimeout = 60

        // Upload files.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        files = true

        // Upload distribution artifacts.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        artifacts = true

        // Release checksum files.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        checksums = true

        // Upload signatures.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        signatures = true

        // Upload catalogs.
        // Defaults to `true`.
        catalogs = true

        // Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
        // Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `gitlab`, i.e, `gitlabFoo`.
        extraProperties.put('foo', 'bar')

        // The GitLab host url.
        host = ''

        // Token with write access to the repository.
        token = '__USE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE__'

        // The package name to use.
        // If unspecified, will use the uploader's name.
        packageName = 'app'

        // The package version to use.
        // If unspecified, will use the project's version.
        packageVersion = '{{projectVersion}}'

        // The id of the GitLab repository.
        projectIdentifier = '12345678'


When not explicitly set, the value of the following properties may be resolved from an environment variable or a system property as shown in the table. The system property takes precedence over the environment variable.

System Property Environment Variable




Substitute ${name} for the value of the named instance.

Space (' '), underscore (_), and dash (-) will be replaced by dot (.) to separate tokens in the System property. Space (' '), dash (-), and dot (.) will be replaced by underscore (_) to separate tokens in the environment variable, such that:

${name} System Property Environment Variable







foo bar








The uploadUrl is the URL to upload the artifacts to.

An example configuration may look like uploadUrl: 'https://{{host}}/api/v4/projects/{{projectIdentifier}}/packages/generic/{{packageName}}/{{packageVersion}}/{{artifactFile}}'.

And will result in a final deployment like


The downloadUrl is the URL used to download artifacts from.

An example configuration may look like downloadUrl: 'https://{{host}}/api/v4/projects/{{projectIdentifier}}/packages/generic/{{packageName}}/{{packageVersion}}/{{artifactFile}}'.

And will result in a final URL like

Skip Upload

Distributions and Artifacts may define extra properties that may stop them from being uploaded. These properties must conform to the following rules:

  • skipUpload: skipped from all uploaders.

  • skipUpload<type>: skipped from the typed uploader.

  • skipUpload<type><name>: skipped from the typed and named uploader.

Where <type> resolves to Gitlab and <name> resolves to the capitalized name of the GitLab instance, such that:

  • if the name is foo the resulting property key is skipUploadGitlabFoo.

  • if the name is fooBar the resulting property key is skipUploadGitlabFooBar.

  • if the name is foo-bar the resulting property key is skipUploadGitlabFooBar.