
JReleaser can be run as a step inside TeamCity.

If you’re already building with either Maven or Gradle then you might use the JReleaser Maven Plugin or the JReleaser Gradle Plugin instead.

For a Linux agent add the following step:

steps {
    script {
        scriptContent = """
            // Get the jreleaser downloader
            curl -sL >
            // Download JReleaser with version = <version>
            // Change <version> to a tagged JReleaser release
            // or leave it out to pull `latest`.
            java <version>
            // Let's check we've got the right version
            java -jar jreleaser-cli.jar --version
            // Execute a JReleaser command such as 'full-release'
            java -jar jreleaser-cli.jar full-release
You may use latest to pull the latest stable release or early-access to pull the latest snapshot.
The agent must have Java 11 or greater configured otherwise the download will fail.
You must use Build parameters to configure environment variables such as JRELEASER_GITHUB_TOKEN and any other secrets required by the build.