Unleash the power of Java with jbang. You can publish distributions as JBang catalogs.
Each separate executable will have its own JBang script. All executables will be collected in the same catalog. Existing catalogs located at the target repository will be merged into a single catalog.
Publications of snapshots is supported, in which case executables will bear the -snapshot
suffix in their alias.
may use environment variable
accepts Name Templates
# Enables or disables JBang.
# Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
# Defaults to `NEVER`.
active: ALWAYS
# Let the release continue if the packager fails.
# Defaults to `false`.
continueOnError: true
# Custom download URL.
downloadUrl: https://my.server.com/{{projectName}}/{{tagName}}/{{artifactFile}}
# Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
# Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `jbang`, i.e, `jbangFoo`.
foo: bar
# Directory with file templates used to prepare the JBang distribution.
# Defaults to `src/jreleaser/distributions/#{distribution.name}/jbang`.
# If specified, path must exist.
templateDirectory: path/to/jbang/templates
# List of template files to be skipped.
# Value may be an exact match or a regex.
- README.md.tpl
# Git author used to commit to the repository.
# Name used when authoring commits.
# Defaults to `jreleaserbot`.
name: jreleaserbot
# E-mail used when authoring commits.
# Defaults to `jreleaser@kordamp.org`.
email: jreleaser@kordamp.org
# Git repository to push the catalog to.
# Defaults are shown.
# Enables or disables the repository.
# Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
# Defaults to `RELEASE`.
active: ALWAYS
# The owner of the repository.
# Defaults to the same owner as the release repository.
owner: duke
# The name of the repository.
# Defaults to `jbang-catalog`.
name: jbang-catalog
# The tag associated with the catalog.
# If left unspecified, will use `{{tagName}}`.
tagName: '{{distributionName}}-{{tagName}}'
# The target branch to pull from.
# Defaults to the branch pointed by HEAD.
branch: HEAD
# The target branch to push to.
# Defaults to the branch pointed by `#{branch}`.
branchPush: '{{projectName}}-{{tagName}}'
# Username used for authoring commits.
# Must have write access to the repository.
# Defaults to the same username as the release repository.
username: duke
# Password or OAuth token with write access to the repository.
# Message when committing to the repository.
# If left unspecified, `{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}` will be used.
commitMessage: '{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}'
# Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
# Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `repository`, i.e, `repositoryFoo`.
foo: bar
# The jbang executable alias.
# If left undefined, will use `#{distribution.executable.name}`
alias: cli
# [packagers.jbang] # Enables or disables JBang. # Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`]. # Defaults to `NEVER`. # active = "ALWAYS" # Let the release continue if the packager fails. # Defaults to `false`. # continueOnError = true # Custom download URL. # downloadUrl = "https://my.server.com/{{projectName}}/{{tagName}}/{{artifactFile}}" # Additional properties used when evaluating templates. # extraProperties.foo = "bar" # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `jbang`, i.e, `jbangFoo`. # Directory with file templates used to prepare the JBang distribution. # Defaults to `src/jreleaser/distributions/#{distribution.name}/jbang`. # If specified, path must exist. # templateDirectory = "path/to/jbang/templates" # List of template files to be skipped. # Value may be an exact match or a regex. # skipTemplates = [ "README.md.tpl" ] # Git author used to commit to the repository. # Name used when authoring commits. # Defaults to `jreleaserbot`. # commitAuthor.name = "jreleaserbot" # E-mail used when authoring commits. # Defaults to `jreleaser@kordamp.org`. # commitAuthor.email = "jreleaser@kordamp.org" # Git repository to push the catalog to. # Defaults are shown. # Enables or disables the repository. # Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`]. # Defaults to `RELEASE`. # repository.active = "ALWAYS" # The owner of the repository. # Defaults to the same owner as the release repository. # repository.owner = "duke" # The name of the repository. # Defaults to `jbang-catalog`. # repository.name = "jbang-catalog" # The tag associated with the catalog. # If left unspecified, will use `{{tagName}}`. # repository.tagName = "{{distributionName}}-{{tagName}}" # The target branch to pull from. # Defaults to the branch pointed by HEAD. # repository.branch = "HEAD" # The target branch to push to. # Defaults to the branch pointed by `#{branch}`. # repository.branchPush = "{{projectName}}-{{tagName}}" # Username used for authoring commits. # Must have write access to the repository. # Defaults to the same username as the release repository. # repository.username = "duke" # Password or OAuth token with write access to the repository. # repository.token = "__USE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE__" # Message when committing to the repository. # If left unspecified, `{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}` will be used. # repository.commitMessage = "{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}" # Additional properties used when evaluating templates. # repository.extraProperties.foo = "bar" # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `repository`, i.e, `repositoryFoo`. # The jbang executable alias. # If left undefined, will use `#{distribution.executable.name}` # alias = "cli"
"packagers": {
"jbang": {
// Enables or disables JBang.
// Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
// Defaults to `NEVER`.
"active": "ALWAYS",
// Let the release continue if the packager fails.
// Defaults to `false`.
"continueOnError": true,
// Custom download URL.
"downloadUrl": "https://my.server.com/{{projectName}}/{{tagName}}/{{artifactFile}}",
// Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
"extraProperties": {
// Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `jbang`, i.e, `jbangFoo`.
"foo": "bar"
// Directory with file templates used to prepare the JBang distribution.
// Defaults to `src/jreleaser/distributions/#{distribution.name}/jbang`.
// If specified, path must exist.
"templateDirectory": "path/to/jbang/templates",
// List of template files to be skipped.
// Value may be an exact match or a regex.
"skipTemplates": [
// Git author used to commit to the repository.
"commitAuthor": {
// Name used when authoring commits.
// Defaults to `jreleaserbot`.
"name": "jreleaserbot",
// E-mail used when authoring commits.
// Defaults to `jreleaser@kordamp.org`.
"email": "jreleaser@kordamp.org"
// Git repository to push the catalog to.
// Defaults are shown.
"repository": {
// Enables or disables the repository.
// Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
// Defaults to `RELEASE`.
"active": "ALWAYS",
// The owner of the repository.
// Defaults to the same owner as the release repository.
"owner": "duke",
// The name of the repository.
// Defaults to `jbang-catalog`.
"name": "jbang-catalog",
// The tag associated with the catalog.
// If left unspecified, will use `{{tagName}}`.
"tagName": "{{distributionName}}-{{tagName}}",
// The target branch to pull from.
// Defaults to the branch pointed by HEAD.
"branch": "HEAD",
// The target branch to push to.
// Defaults to the branch pointed by `#{branch}`.
"branchPush": "{{projectName}}-{{tagName}}",
// Username used for authoring commits.
// Must have write access to the repository.
// Defaults to the same username as the release repository.
"username": "duke",
// Password or OAuth token with write access to the repository.
// Message when committing to the repository.
// If left unspecified, `{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}` will be used.
"commitMessage": "{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}",
// Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
"extraProperties": {
// Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `repository`, i.e, `repositoryFoo`.
"foo": "bar"
// The jbang executable alias.
// If left undefined, will use `#{distribution.executable.name}`
"alias": "cli"
Enables or disables JBang.
Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
Defaults to `NEVER`.
Let the release continue if the packager fails.
Defaults to `false`.
Custom download URL.
Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `jbang`, i.e, `jbangFoo`.
Directory with file templates used to prepare the JBang distribution.
Defaults to `src/jreleaser/distributions/#{distribution.name}/jbang`.
If specified, path must exist.
List of template files to be skipped.
Value may be an exact match or a regex.
Git author used to commit to the repository.
Name used when authoring commits.
Defaults to `jreleaserbot`.
E-mail used when authoring commits.
Defaults to `jreleaser@kordamp.org`.
Git repository to push the catalog to.
Defaults are shown.
Enables or disables the repository.
Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
Defaults to `RELEASE`.
The owner of the repository.
Defaults to the same owner as the release repository.
The name of the repository.
Defaults to `jbang-catalog`.
The tag associated with the catalog.
If left unspecified, will use `{{tagName}}`.
The target branch to pull from.
Defaults to the branch pointed by HEAD.
The target branch to push to.
Defaults to the branch pointed by `#{branch}`.
Username used for authoring commits.
Must have write access to the repository.
Defaults to the same username as the release repository.
Password or OAuth token with write access to the repository.
Message when committing to the repository.
If left unspecified, `{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}` will be used.
<commitMessage>{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}</commitMessage>
Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `repository`, i.e, `repositoryFoo`.
The jbang executable alias.
If left undefined, will use `#{distribution.executable.name}`
jreleaser {
packagers {
jbang {
// Enables or disables JBang.
// Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
// Defaults to `NEVER`.
active = 'ALWAYS'
// Let the release continue if the packager fails.
// Defaults to `false`.
continueOnError = true
// Custom download URL.
downloadUrl = 'https://my.server.com/{{projectName}}/{{tagName}}/{{artifactFile}}'
// Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
// Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `jbang`, i.e, `jbangFoo`.
extraProperties.put('foo', 'bar')
// Directory with file templates used to prepare the JBang distribution.
// Defaults to `src/jreleaser/distributions/#{distribution.name}/jbang`.
// If specified, path must exist.
templateDirectory = 'path/to/jbang/templates'
// List of template files to be skipped.
// Value may be an exact match or a regex.
// Git author used to commit to the repository.
commitAuthor {
// Name used when authoring commits.
// Defaults to `jreleaserbot`.
name = 'jreleaserbot'
// E-mail used when authoring commits.
// Defaults to `jreleaser@kordamp.org`.
email = 'jreleaser@kordamp.org'
// Git repository to push the catalog to.
// Defaults are shown.
repository {
// Enables or disables the repository.
// Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
// Defaults to `RELEASE`.
active = 'ALWAYS'
// The owner of the repository.
// Defaults to the same owner as the release repository.
repoOwner = 'duke'
// The name of the repository.
// Defaults to `jbang-catalog`.
name = 'jbang-catalog'
// The tag associated with the catalog.
// If left unspecified, will use `{{tagName}}`.
tagName = '{{distributionName}}-{{tagName}}'
// The target branch to pull from.
// Defaults to the branch pointed by HEAD.
branch = 'HEAD'
// The target branch to push to.
// Defaults to the branch pointed by `#{branch}`.
branchPush = '{{projectName}}-{{tagName}}'
// Username used for authoring commits.
// Must have write access to the repository.
// Defaults to the same username as the release repository.
username = 'duke'
// Password or OAuth token with write access to the repository.
// Message when committing to the repository.
// If left unspecified, `{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}` will be used.
commitMessage = '{{distributionName}} {{tagName}}'
// Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
// Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `repository`, i.e, `repositoryFoo`.
extraProperties.put('foo', 'bar')
// The jbang executable alias.
// If left undefined, will use `#{distribution.executable.name}`
alias = 'cli'
You must define a value for java.mainClass in the owning distribution.
When the project’s version is snapshot, unless manually updated, the default prepared template assumes JARs may be resolved from https://jitpack.io. |
Aliases must be unique! |
The following property names have additional meaning
Key | Description |
reverseRepoHost |
reversed Git host, i.e. "com.github" |
reverseDomain |
reversed custom domain name |
When not explicitly set, the value of the following properties may be resolved from an environment variable or a system property as shown in the table. The system property takes precedence over the environment variable.
Inside packagers
System Property | Environment Variable |
active |
jreleaser.packagers.jbang.active |
Inside distributions
System Property | Environment Variable |
active |
jreleaser.distributions.${name}.jbang.active |
repository.active |
jreleaser.distributions.${name}.jbang.repository.active |
repository.username |
jreleaser.distributions.${name}.jbang.repository.username |
repository.token |
jreleaser.distributions.${name}.jbang.repository.token |
repository.branch |
jreleaser.distributions.${name}.jbang.repository.branch |
repository.branchPush |
jreleaser.distributions.${name}.jbang.repository.branch.push |
Substitute ${name} for the value of the named instance. |
Space (' '), underscore (_
), and dash (-
) will be replaced by dot (.
) to separate tokens in the System property.
Space (' '), dash (-
), and dot (.
) will be replaced by underscore (_
) to separate tokens in the environment variable,
such that:
${name} | System Property | Environment Variable |
foobar |
fooBar |
foo bar |
foo-bar |
foo_bar |
foo.bar |
Assuming the current version is 1.2.3
, and a distribution named app
, the above configuration will generate
a app.java
file in the duke/jbang-catalog
"aliases": {
"app": {
"script-ref": "app.java",
"description": "Sample app"
//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $? //JAVA 8 //DEPS com.acme:app:1.2.3 public class app { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { com.acme.Main.main(args); } }
When the version is snapshot then the catalog and the script template change to:
{ "aliases": { "app-snapshot": { "script-ref": "app_snapshot.java", "description": "Sample app" } } }
//usr/bin/env jbang "$0" "$@" ; exit $? //JAVA 8 //REPOS jitpack //DEPS com.github.duke:app:main-SNAPSHOT public class app_snapshot { public static void main(String... args) throws Exception { com.acme.Main.main(args); } }
The repository token environment variable must match with the chosen Release service. |
On GitHub, you can’t use the default
The default location for templates is:
The following list shows the filenames that may be used to override default templates:
Any additional files found in the template directories will be copied as is unless their filename ends with .tpl
which case Name Templates substitution will take place.
Templates may be initialized using the template
Skip Templates
You may skip any template files by defining a set of skip rules in the skipTemplates
property. For example, you may use
any of these expressions to skip a template named README.md.tpl
: matches the full template name -
: matches the transformed template name -
: matches using a regex
Skip License
If there’s a matching LICENSE
file available at the root of the project it will be copied to the repository by default.
You may set an extra property named skipLicenseFile
on jbang to skip this behavior.
The repository
section allows setting extra properties that may be used to provide additional hints when interacting
with the git repository that holds packager files.
Define a projectIdentifier
property to directly locate the project associated with the repository, such as
packagers: jbang: repository: extraProperties: projectIdentifier: 12345678
[packagers.jbang] repository.extraProperties.projectIdentifier = "12345678"
{ "packagers": { "jbang": { "repository": { "extraProperties": { "projectIdentifier": "12345678" } } } } }
<jreleaser> <packagers> <jbang> <repository> <extraProperties> <projectIdentifier>12345678</projectIdentifier> </extraProperties> </repository> </jbang> </packagers> </jreleaser>
jreleaser { packagers { jbang { repository { extraProperties.put("projectIdentifier", "12345678") } } } }