
Posts a message to a Zulip server. You must procure an account and apiKey to use this announcer.



  • required

  • optional

  • may use environment variable

  • accepts Name Templates

  • YAML

  • TOML

  • JSON

  • Maven

  • Gradle

    # Enables or disables Zulip.
    # Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
    # Defaults to `NEVER`.
    active: ALWAYS

    # Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
    # Defaults to `20`.
    connectTimeout: 20

    # Defines the read timeout in seconds.
    # Defaults to `60`.
    readTimeout: 60

    # Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
      # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `zulip`, i.e, `zulipFoo`.
      foo: bar

    # The Zulip account (typically an email address) to use.
    account: announce-bot@my.zulipchat.com

    # The Zulip server endpoint.
    apiHost: https://my.zulipchat.com/api/v1

    # The ApiKey associated with the given account.

    # The channel where the message will be sent to
    # Defaults to `announce`.
    channel: announce

    # The message's subject.
    # Review the available Name Templates.
    subject: '{{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} released!'

    # The announcement message.
    # Review the available Name Templates.
    message: 'πŸš€ {{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} has been released! {{releaseNotesUrl}}'

    # Path to a template file that contains the message.
    # Review the available Name Templates.
    # Defaults to `src/jreleaser/templates/zulip.tpl`.
    messageTemplate: path/to/template/zulip.tpl
  # Enables or disables Zulip.
  # Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
  # Defaults to `NEVER`.
  active = "ALWAYS"

  # Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
  # Defaults to `20`.
  connectTimeout = 20

  # Defines the read timeout in seconds.
  # Defaults to `60`.
  readTimeout = 60

  # Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
  extraProperties.foo = "bar"
  # Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `zulip`, i.e, `zulipFoo`.

  # The Zulip account (typically an email address) to use.
  account = "announce-bot@my.zulipchat.com"

  # The Zulip server endpoint.
  apiHost = "https://my.zulipchat.com/api/v1"

  # The ApiKey associated with the given account.

  # The channel where the message will be sent to
  # Defaults to `announce`.
  channel = "announce"

  # The message's subject.
  # Review the available Name Templates.
  subject = "{{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} released!"

  # The announcement message.
  # Review the available Name Templates.
  message = "πŸš€ {{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} has been released! {{releaseNotesUrl}}"

  # Path to a template file that contains the message.
  # Review the available Name Templates.
  # Defaults to `src/jreleaser/templates/zulip.tpl`.
  messageTemplate = "path/to/template/zulip.tpl"
  "announce": {
    "zulip": {
      // Enables or disables Zulip.
      // Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
      // Defaults to `NEVER`.
      "active": "ALWAYS",

      // Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
      // Defaults to `20`.
      "connectTimeout": 20,

      // Defines the read timeout in seconds.
      // Defaults to `60`.
      "readTimeout": 60,

      // Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
      "extraProperties": {
        // Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `zulip`, i.e, `zulipFoo`.
        "foo": "bar"

      // The Zulip account (typically an email address) to use.
      "account": "announce-bot@my.zulipchat.com",

      // The Zulip server endpoint.
      "apiHost": "https://my.zulipchat.com/api/v1",

      // The ApiKey associated with the given account.
      "apiKey": "__USE_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE__",

      // The channel where the message will be sent to
      // Defaults to `announce`.
      "channel": "announce",

      // The message's subject.
      // Review the available Name Templates.
      "subject": "{{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} released!",

      // The announcement message.
      // Review the available Name Templates.
      "message": "πŸš€ {{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} has been released! {{releaseNotesUrl}}",

      // Path to a template file that contains the message.
      // Review the available Name Templates.
      // Defaults to `src/jreleaser/templates/zulip.tpl`.
      "messageTemplate": "path/to/template/zulip.tpl"
        Enables or disables Zulip.
        Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
        Defaults to `NEVER`.

        Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
        Defaults to `20`.

        Defines the read timeout in seconds.
        Defaults to `60`.

        Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
          Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `zulip`, i.e, `zulipFoo`.

        The Zulip account (typically an email address) to use.

        The Zulip server endpoint.

        The ApiKey associated with the given account.

        The channel where the message will be sent to
        Defaults to `announce`.

        The message's subject.
        Review the available Name Templates.
      <subject>{{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} released!</subject>

        The announcement message.
        Review the available Name Templates.
      <message>πŸš€ {{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} has been released! {{releaseNotesUrl}}</message>

        Path to a template file that contains the message.
        Review the available Name Templates.
        Defaults to `src/jreleaser/templates/zulip.tpl`.
jreleaser {
  announce {
    zulip {
      // Enables or disables Zulip.
      // Supported values are [`NEVER`, `ALWAYS`, `RELEASE`, `SNAPSHOT`].
      // Defaults to `NEVER`.
      active = 'ALWAYS'

      // Defines the connection timeout in seconds.
      // Defaults to `20`.
      connectTimeout = 20

      // Defines the read timeout in seconds.
      // Defaults to `60`.
      readTimeout = 60

      // Additional properties used when evaluating templates.
      // Key will be capitalized and prefixed with `zulip`, i.e, `zulipFoo`.
      extraProperties.put('foo', 'bar')

      // The Zulip account (typically an email address) to use.
      account = 'announce-bot@my.zulipchat.com'

      // The Zulip server endpoint.
      apiHost = 'https://my.zulipchat.com/api/v1'

      // The ApiKey associated with the given account.

      // The channel where the message will be sent to
      // Defaults to `announce`.
      channel = 'announce'

      // The message's subject.
      // Review the available Name Templates.
      subject = '{{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} released!'

      // The announcement message.
      // Review the available Name Templates.
      message = 'πŸš€ {{projectNameCapitalized}} {{projectVersion}} has been released! {{releaseNotesUrl}}'

      // Path to a template file that contains the message.
      // Review the available Name Templates.
      // Defaults to `src/jreleaser/templates/zulip.tpl`.
      messageTemplate = 'path/to/template/zulip.tpl'

You may define either message or messageTemplate, with the former taking precedence over the latter.


When not explicitly set, the value of the following properties may be resolved from an environment variable or a system property as shown in the table. The system property takes precedence over the environment variable.

System Property Environment Variable














The default location for templates is:


The following list shows the filenames that may be used to override default templates:

  • zulip.tpl

Templates may be initialized using the template command